Anethum graveolens
Apiaceae family
This versatile, feathery-leaved herb is fairly low-maintenance and thrives in Central Texas. This adaptable herb can be grown in garden beds, containers, and interspersed among other garden companions in a fruit tree guild or food forest environment.

Dill in the Garden Ecosystem
Dill's a gorgeous plant with feathery fronds and bright yellow flower clusters in the summer. Like fennel, parsley, and other plants in the Apiaceae family, it has compound umbels with pretty flowers and seeds that are easy to collect.
Dill plants make a great addition to any butterfly garden, as serve as host to swallowtail butterfly larvae. We always grow zinnias, cosmos, and easy-to-sow summer annual flowers as companion plants and the butterflies go nuts.
It grows best in well-draining soil, plenty of sunlight and is a wonderful addition to both herb gardens and ornamental landscapes. Like cilantro, lettuce, and arugula, we toss dill seeds in the blank spaces in our garden. That way we have plenty for the pollinators and for us.

Harvesting Dill
Harvest dill when the leaves are young and vibrant, as this is when they’re most flavorful. Gather the leaves and seeds as needed, ensuring a continuous supply throughout the growing season.

Propagating Dill
Dill is an annual herb that readily produces seeds, allowing for easy propagation. Simply let a few plants go to seed, and you’ll likely find volunteer seedlings in subsequent growing seasons. You can also start them in containers to transplant out to the garden in the spring and fall.

Working with Dill
Dill’s fresh leaves and seeds enhance the flavor of pickles, salads, and a wide range of culinary creations. And like fennel, dill makes a helpful digestive aid.