Now that a little over a month has passed, we’re revisiting our list of plants that didn’t have signs of life right away. It’s a good thing we waited awhile to touch anything, because a lot of the plants are bouncing back (and many seem more vibrant than ever). The bur oaks and Mexican plum, which seemed like they were struggling a bit before, are now lush and thriving. Nature is resilient. Taking inventory like this will help us be better prepared next time. And avoid stressing over plants that are just fine on their own.

Also bouncing back are:
agave (one particular variety)
loquat (one survived, one has no signs of life).
Some other we’re still watering and waiting on. Don't give up too soon!
mexican flame vine
esperanza (update - came back fine)
huisache (update - came back fine)
arizona cypress (was already sad before the freeze)
lantana (update - came back fine)
turmeric (update - came back fine)
citrus (update - came back fine)
nopal (update - most melted, some regenerated from the base much later)
lemongrass (update - came back fine)
evergreen sumac