Brassica rapa var. japonica

Mizuna, a fast-growing Japanese mustard green, is a hardy and versatile leafy green beloved for its feathery, serrated leaves and mildly peppery flavor. Its tasty cooked or raw, it’s easy to grow, and it’s a fabulous companion in any kitchen garden,
Growing Mizuna
Mizuna thrives in cooler weather, making it ideal for planting in early spring or fall in Central Texas. We tend to grow it all throughout the winter these days, succession sowing seeds and riding the waves of the season. You can space the plants 6 inches apart if you want each plant to grow full-size, but you can definitely grow sow seeds closer together and just harvest smaller leaves (think microgreens).
Harvesting Mizuna
This cut-and-come-again leafy green matures in as little as 20-40 days. You can harvest outer leaves as you want or just give the entire plant a haircut to encourage regrowth. Mizuna has a long harvest window. Don’t forget to let some of the plants set flower and seed too.
Cooking with Mizuna
Mizuna is a favorite of chefs bc its mild spice and tender leaves add a unique twist to dishes. Toss it fresh into salads, add it to soups, or sauté it with garlic and onions for a quick side dish.